Friday 28 March 2025   07:02 am [BST]

  • TipsterChallenge.Com is a Global and Innovative FREE Horse Racing, Competition based on UK Horse Racing

Tipster Challenge was founded in 1993, initially as a Personal Horse Racing Web page, and Competion based site.

Over time, and with the advancement of the internet age, and the expansion of the world wide web, I moved the site to its current domain,, which is now its permanent place on the web.

Membership has always been free to all which underlines our commitment to never charge members for participation, a concept which is now sadly becoming very rare for horse racing and competition based websites.

Tipster Challenge will always remain FREE - and is a non profit making organization. We do welcome personal donations from members but this is of course entirely voluntary, and any funds are used to further develop the site, and upgrade its performance, look, and enhance features.

Any revenue received by Tipsterchallenge through advertisers, or through affiliates is used solely for the purpose of future development.

Richard de Rothschild

Founder, Owner